SACS stands for Social Reception and Counselling Service (in Italian Servizio di Accoglienza e Consulenza Sociale) and it supports the people affected by Poland Syndrome and their families, simplifying the relation with accredited clinical centers and providing a psychological, legal, social and educational help.

Through this service you can:

  • explain and share your difficulties and questions related to Poland Syndrome
  • be an active and essential part of the process of care management from those clinical facilities that prove suitable to provide an effective feedback to your needs
  • take part in the National Registry of Poland Syndrome, a study aiming at conducting a census of all the people affected by Poland Syndrome in Italy and to improve research and scientific knowledge. Thanks to it you will have constant access to your clinical data during your healthcare and assistance programme.

The project has been developed with the contribution of Banca Intesa San Paolo.

AISP provides a service of distance counselling for people outside Italy. Feel free to write to our information office for details: