We are Erika and Cloe ,

The first days after Cloe’s birth were a bit hard…I loved that baby, but I was worried about how to face others, how to explain to them what happened…and why.
So many questions in my head!

Cloe was growing up regularly and when she was 3 months old we took her to a private paediatrician for a check-up. As soon as she noticed Cloe’s hand, she told us:
“Has anybody ever told you about Poland Syndrome?”

Daniele and I looked at each other with typical comic book style question mark faces.
Cloe started to have medical examinations, first of all an ultrasound, and then the diagnosis came.
We fumbled around for weeks until I came across the Association’s website while on the Internet.

Firstly, I read the technical-scientific information, then the stories…then…then there was a phone number…I took courage and dialled it. From that day on a new world opened up to me!!!
I will never forget that phone call!

Not feeling alone was the best thing and having the opportunity to discuss gave us so much strength!